What Makes Maca Powder Work?

What Makes Maca Powder Work?

Posted by The Maca Team on 4th Oct 2023

You’ve heard all the hype: maca can stimulate your libido and boost your fertility. Maca can improve your ability to focus and sharpen your cognitive function. Maca can reduce your anxiety and combat depression. It seems like there’s nothing maca can’t do. But how does it do so much? What properties does it possess that allow it to exert such an effect on your body?

Maca is no miracle drug - it’s an adaptogenic superfood that works with your bodily functions to stimulate an overall sense of balance and wellbeing. Let’s look at some of the unique qualities that will make you want to add maca to your diet.

What Maca Is and What It Isn’t

Maca isn’t a medication or a supplement. It wasn’t generated in a lab. It’s actually a humble little root vegetable originating in the Andes region of Peru, where it’s been farmed by local residents for centuries. The qualities that earn it praise now have been recognized for just as long: its ability to help couples conceive, and to boost energy and mental focus.

We source our maca from a co-op of local farmers in the Junin Plateau area of Peru, where it’s sustainably and organically grown with thought to maintaining the viability of the land and the livelihood of the growers themselves. Harvested at the peak of the season, our maca undergoes minimal processing (sun dried or dried in low-temperature dehydrators in the case of our premium maca) before making its way to us in small batches. This is done so you can be sure your organic maca products are as fresh as possible.

What Does Maca Contain?

If you’re referring to what ingredients you’ll find in our maca products, the answer is simple: maca root, and nothing more. Our vegan maca powder capsules contain only ground maca powder, and our liquid maca extracts have the same nutritional benefits of our maca powders in a liquid vegetable glycerin base.

But what about the maca itself? On our Maca Root Nutrition Facts page, we touch on the nutritional value of maca root based upon a 10 gram serving. A few significant things to note are the essential amino acids you’ll find in maca root - namely, nearly all of them. Maca also contains 20 free fatty acids, and contains vitamins including B1, riboflavin, and niacin. Maca contains a higher level of calcium than milk, in addition to other major minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium.

It’s also one of the very few sources of a couple unique bioactive compounds called macaenes and macamides. These compounds possess anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting properties, which makes them part of the reason maca is known as a nutrient-rich “functional food.” Maca is also marked by the presence of glucosinolates, which are more prevalent in premium and red maca. Research has found that glucosinolates, which are found in maca and other cruciferous vegetables, may delay or even prevent the onset of numerous neurological and musculoskeletal conditions as well as certain cancers. In fact, maca is considered a “neuroprotectant,” meaning that it can act to protect your brain and central nervous system from damage and wear over time.

Why Not Try Maca Today?

There might be a number of reasons you’ve put off adding maca to your diet - maybe it sounds too complicated, or you’ve tried it before and didn’t like the taste. But the truth is it’s very easy and convenient to start enjoying maca and its benefits. With our maca capsules you don’t have to worry about being put off by the taste of maca if it isn’t for you, or you can consider adding a few drops from one of our liquid maca extracts to your morning coffee. We’ve even collected a variety of delicious and nutritious maca recipes from our buyers!

We’re happy to answer any questions you might have before getting started with maca, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. You can Contact Us using our web form, or call us toll-free at 888-919-8616.

Enjoy the Day!

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