Maca for Women

Maca Benefits for WomenIf you’re wondering what maca root can do specifically for women, you’re in the right place. Over the past 2+ decades we’ve shared the benefits of maca root with thousands of women.   And in that time, we’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t. In this article we share the major benefits women report when adding maca to their diets, which maca to use, how to use it and more.  

Introduction to Maca Root

People in the high Andes have consumed maca for 1000s of years as a food and as a medicine. More recently maca root has gained popularity as a nutrient dense superfood.  

Maca root is unique in that it supports hormone balance in both men and women. What’s interesting is that maca does not contain hormones. Rather it stimulates the body to produce or reduce hormones as needed. Healthy hormone balance is related to 100s of bodily functions. And that’s how maca can have such broad ranging individual benefits for both males and females.   For further reading: What is Maca Powder good for?

Maca Root For Women

In general terms maca can be helpful for increasing skin health, fertility, and mental clarity, and has long been associated with aiding women in keeping a regular cycle and with certain thyroid issues. In each section below, we look at specific benefits and when possible link to more complete articles on the subject.

Maca For Women's Fertility

Women have been using maca root to increase their chances of conceiving a child for over 2,000 years. Scientific studies have shown that maca balances hormones which results in regular ovulation. Also, maca is a nutritional powerhouse that supports the optimal health needed to boost fertility. Red Maca has been shown to be the best maca to help increase female fertility.  Read more on maca for women's fertility...

Maca for Regularity of Cycle

Maca root can work very well to support a healthy, regular menstrual cycle.  Here’s an example of one happy customer:

"After two weeks of taking red maca I naturally had a normal regular period. I was in awe. I feel so much better knowing I can live the rest of my life not on birth control. I am so pleased with this product and I have turned so many of my girlfriends onto it as well." - Kaitlyn

Maca For PCOS

Maca has been seen to be beneficial for women suffering with PCOS. Here’s a comment from one of our customers:

"I take the red maca capsules to regulate my hormones because I have pcos and I have not any cysts and my menstrual cycles have finally regulated. I couldn't be more happy with th product."  -Ashley Gonzalez

Maca During Pregnancy

Maca is considered generally safe to take during pregnancy. In fact, due to its high nutrient and mineral content, it may support healthy development. A 2-teaspoon dose of Maca has 3 times more calcium than a glass of milk. Also, black maca and red maca have been seen to increase bone density and strength. That said, if you have any concerns about taking maca while pregnant please consult a competent medical professional.

Maca for Healthy SkinMaca For Healthy Glowing Skin

Due to maca’s ability to help balance hormones, it often has a positive effect on skin tone and elasticity. This can include reducing hormone related acne as well as improving skin elasticity. All Maca powders, including tri-colored colored maca, works well for this benefit. Read more on maca for skin health.  Learn more about maca for acne.

Maca For Increased Libido

One of the biggest effects reported by women taking proper dosages of maca powder daily is a marked increase in sexual desire. Red maca is the type of Maca that is highest in phytonutrients and, not surprisingly, is the maca of choice to improve female libido. 

 "Love the taste. Gives me energy I need. It does help post-menopausal libido issues ladies. Give it a try today." - Melanie Jones

Maca To Reduce Hot Flashes and Other Menopause Symptoms

Maca works very well to reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause and perimenopause including insomnia, mood swings and in particular hot flashes. This treatment comes from maca’s amazing ability to support healthy hormone balance. Maca does not contain hormones, but merely stimulates the body to balance the endocrine system. Red maca is the best for a woman passing through this life transition. Learn more about maca for menopause. Discover how maca helps hot flashes.

Maca For Hair Growth, Luster and Body

Due to maca root’s excellent hormone balancing properties in combination with its dense nutritional content, it is often used by women to stimulate hair growth, body and luster.   Read more on maca for hair.

Maca to Reduce / Prevent Osteoporosis

Studies have shown that red and black maca were found to be the best at improving and protecting bone structure especially in mice who had their ovaries removed. Maca studies have shown that this food product increases bone strength and density.

Maca For Thyroid Health

Due to Maca’s powerful hormone balancing properties, it has been reported to have a positive effect on the health of the thyroid. Maca does contain iodine which affects the thyroid. If you have an iodine allergy you should avoid Maca. More on Maca and iodine...

Maca For CurvesMaca For Enhanced Female Curves

One of the more interesting effects of maca is that it can support the enhancement of female body shape. Maca works to balance estrogen levels, which can increase the size and shape of breasts. Also, since maca is extremely anabolic (muscle building) it can increase the size of the buttocks, which is of course the body’s largest muscle. In order to get the most benefit for the latter, we recommend using black maca and also getting plenty of exercise aimed at increasing the glutes. Read more about the “Maca butt” here.

Maca For Increased Energy Athletic Performance

Maca root is great for athletes. It builds muscle, it increases stamina, it boosts energy and it enhances recovery time. Black Maca is our Maca of choice for athletes. 

 "After reading about the benefits, I had to see for myself. I wasn’t disappointed! I feel so much better with more energy."  - Judy Bell.

Learn more about maca for energy.

Maca for Reducing Depression

One of the lesser known health benefits of maca for women is for reducing depression. Maca works as a mood lifter due to its high nutrient content combined with its energizing properties. We’ve had several reports of positive emotional health resulting from continued use of Red Maca. More on maca for depression.

Maca for Women's Energy

Maca For Enhancing Mental Focus, Memory and Clarity

One final use of maca for women is to boost mental capacities such as memory, clarity and focus. Maca is recommended to take when you have a particularly mental task to perform. The great thing about how it works is that the energy it provides is sustained and balanced. The Premium maca products tend to work best for improving focus, memory and clarity.

How Women Use Maca

Overall maca root is easy to use, whichever form you use it in. The least expensive form is maca powder which can easily be blended into smoothies or other great maca recipes.   For those who don’t like the taste of maca powder or those looking for convenience, maca capsules are a great choice. At The Maca Team we produce our capsules in house which means they contain zero fillers or other ingredients.   Another convenient way to take maca is in liquid extract form. These glycerin based extracts taste great and are fast acting. Finally, for the purist, we offer maca root chips.  These are whole maca roots that have been ground into small chunks. They can be mixed into oatmeal or other dishes.  

Maca Benefits For Women Video

Final Words On The Benefits Of Maca For Women

Overall women make up just over 50% of our customers. Maca can be a great addition to the diet of any woman and can truly make a difference in terms of overall hormonal health.

Maca is generally considered safe and has no known side-effects.   However, if you have any doubts about adding maca to your diet, please consult a knowledgeable and competent health care professional.

Enjoy the day!

Maca Benefits for Women

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