Which Maca Is Best?
We offer several types of maca products made from different maca root colors and different processing types. Use the tools and information below to find out which is the best maca for your lifestyle, age, activity level and health goals. Please read this entire page as it should help answer most of your questions. And, as always, if you have any further questions let us know. We're happy to help.
Maca Finder - Our product selection tool
Maca colors
Maca roots grow in 3 basic color groups: black, red and yellow. It's important to note that the color of the roots is primarily found in the skin (similar to the common radish). This is why the colors of the actual powders vary only slightly. Our products are available in each of these colors, plus a tri-color blend. Although all colors of maca are very similar, research has revealed some unique properties among them. You can find our maca color recommendations based on this research in our Quick Reference Table below.
Raw and gelatinized
Our raw maca products are made from roots that have never been heated above 100F/40C. This preserves enzymes and nutrients at peak levels. We recommend them for most people. But if you have a sensitive stomach or any other digestive concerns we suggest you use gelatinized maca or maca extracts instead.
Our gelatinized maca products are made from roots that are heated in order to remove starch content. This heat destroys enzymes and vitamin C content, but leaves the other major nutrients mostly intact and effective. Gelatinized products are slightly more concentrated since the starch content is removed. They are great for anyone with a sensitive digestive system.
Premium maca
Our premium maca products are made from maca roots that are dried in low temperature dehydrators immediately after harvest. This approach to processing leaves more glucosinolates (nutrients that may be associated with anti-cancer properties) in the final product. Premium maca powders are much spicier and stronger in taste and somewhat lighter in color. If you are taking maca for maximum glucosinolates and have a strong palate they will be a good choice for you.
Powders, capsules, chips, extracts and specialty blends
Our maca powders are the most economical form of maca and are perfect for blending into smoothies, drinks or other recipes.
Our maca capsules contain only our pure maca powder – no fillers, flow agents or chemicals of any kind. They are a good choice for those who don’t like the taste of maca.
Our liquid maca extracts are made from our maca chips and USP certified vegetable glycerine. They taste great and are alchohol free. Easy to take with you, they are good for providing an energy lift throughout the day.
Our maca chips are the closest thing to whole maca roots that can be legally exported from Peru. They are essentially dried maca roots that have been cut into chunks. They can be used in teas, drinks, porridges and other traditional maca recipes.
Our specialty maca blends contain our maca mixed with other superfood ingredients to make great tasting powders to enhance any smoothie or drink.
**ALL of our products are grown in a remote, pristine part of the Peruvian Andes. They are GMO- free, certified organic, cultivated with respect for the land and purchased at fair trade prices.
Our Top Recommended Maca Products By Use
Note: Our tri-color and yellow maca products don't appear on this table. They are still very potent and nutrient dense and are a great choice, especially if you are on a limited budget.
**These statements have come from our 15 years of use and research of Maca. They have not been approved by the FDA and in no way are meant to treat any health condition. If you have any health concerns about using Maca, please visit a competent medical professional. Full health disclaimer here.
If you’re still undecided, we also have several Maca Sampler Packs available at discounted prices. You can try selections of all of our products to see which will work the best for you. Click here for details
We hope that this page has helped you decide which is the best Maca for you, but if you have any further questions, just contact us and we’ll be glad to answer them.
Enjoy your day!