Staying Sharp as You Age with Maca Root

Staying Sharp as You Age with Maca Root

Posted by The Maca Team on 28th Dec 2023

If you’re getting on in years, odds are you have loved ones chiming in (welcome, or not) on the importance of preventive health care. Regular consultations with licensed medical professionals are essential in your golden years, and you should be staying on top of keeping up with consistent healthcare screenings, check-ups, and counseling with your doctors.

But what can you do for yourself to ensure that you’re in your best shape? Eating healthy and getting regular exercise are the best way to treat your body well, and to get the most out of time with friends and family. Who says you have to slow down just because you’ve retired?

Let’s take a look at some of the ways that maca root can help you stay on top of your game.

Maca Root for Brain Function

Research has shown that regular consumption of maca root “improved cognitive function, motor coordination, and endurance capacity” in middle-aged mice. According to this 2016 study, evidence suggests that the nutrient-rich superfood known as maca can act as a “functional food” for slowing down age-related cognitive decline.

Functional foods are foods containing bioactive components that affect how the body works in a positive way. Our overview on maca nutrition facts details its nutritional content, which includes a wide array of essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. There’s a reason maca is considered a superfood, and that it’s been such a big part of the historical diet of the Peruvian Andes region it originates from. Harvested by humans for hundreds of years, maca has long been touted for its role in sharpening mental focus. And recent research has identified maca root as a possible neuroprotectant, high in the nutrients needed to preserve brain function as you age.

Maca Root for Bone Health

Maca root’s nutritional content also works toward helping the body preserve bone density.

Bone mass typically decreases with age after your thirties, at which point the risk of developing osteoporosis steadily increases. The good news is that there are numerous ways to keep your bones healthy, and one of them is adding high-quality, Peruvian-grown organic maca root to your diet.

Researchers have confirmed that the variety of nutrients in maca can act to prevent the development of osteoporosis. Red maca root in particular has exhibited protective effects on bone structure, and as part of a healthy lifestyle maca may keep your bones strong for years to come. 

Maca Root for Menopause

While maca root doesn’t contain any hormones, it does act as an adaptogen, which means that it exerts a kind of balancing effect on the body. Maca contains some unique nutrients known as macaenes and macamides, which have been found to help level out your body’s hormone production. This includes helping the body produce more naturally-occurring estrogen where needed.

Maca root has also been found to naturally mitigate the effects of stress and anxiety, which are significant concerns for women going through menopause. And studies have further suggested that maca root may have a positive effect on sexual dysfunction in otherwise healthy menopausal women. 

Maca Root for Erectile Dysfunction

Can maca root stimulate the libido? Maca has long been celebrated for just that, associated with improving sexual performance and even virility in men. Maca has, as we mentioned earlier, been demonstrated to even out hormone levels in the body - that applies to testosterone as well as estrogen. Maca root has even been found to improve sperm production or motility, earning its claim to fame by helping couples conceive for centuries.

But don’t just take it from us - here’s what some of our happy customers have had to say about maca’s impact on their sex lives:

"I have been using The Maca Team black maca capsules for some time now mainly for their value as a good vitamin and mineral supplement. I am now 68 years in perfect health in all ways. I feel Black Maca has improved by general health and sexual well-being and will continue to use it as my only medication. Your delivery service is second to none. Thank you." Lloyd Westbrook

"My main reason for taking this product was because my sex drive was low and I was having ED issues due to my medication for anxiety and depression. This stuff works! My libido is doing wonderfully now and ED is a thing of the past for me!" - Marcus V.

Why Buy From the Maca Team?

organic gelatinized tricolor maca root powder - shop

We’ve found that a key factor in maca’s success as part of a balanced diet and exercise routine is not the color of the maca root, but the quality. Our organic, Fair Trade maca root is sustainably-grown only in Peru and harvested at the peak of the season. It’s vegan and certified non-GMO, too. It’s never too early or too late to make the decision to center your health - and maca root can help you do just that.

Try out our Maca Finder product selection tool to figure out which maca is best for helping you achieve your wellness goals, and consult with your doctor about the best serving size for you. And, of course, don’t hesitate to Contact Us using our web form, or call us toll-free at 888-919-8616!

Enjoy the day!

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