Maca for All Ages

Maca for All Ages

Posted by The Maca Team on 23rd Oct 2024

We’ve written a great deal about maca’s impact on helping adults maintain concentration, boosting athletes’ performances, and aiding couples seeking to conceive - in short, concerns that primarily apply to middle-aged consumers. But maca is for everyone, from children to seniors! In fact, there are plenty of reasons this superfood should be consumed by all ages. Let’s look at the ways that maca can be enjoyed by everyone from infants to the elderly.

Maca Root for Children

Maca Root for Children - Shop

If you run a Google search for maca for infants, you’ll see a lot of debate around whether or not consuming maca root is safe for breastfeeding mothers. Most reliable sources of medical information will strongly advise exercising caution about what you consume while breastfeeding - for good reason. The safest course of action is to consult with your licensed medical professional if you have any doubts. But it’s worth pointing out that people of all ages native to the Andes - including breastfeeding mothers - safely consume up to 100g of fresh maca root daily.

Regularly consuming maca root supports bone health and has been found to improve concentration and overall cognitive function. Growing can take its toll on the human body, and this is especially true for children. It’s important for them to eat foods that are both filling and nourishing to ensure they’re growing as well as possible, and to foster lifelong positive associations with healthy eating.

In short - maca root is safe for kids! Unlike many over-the-counter supplements, maca is a nutrient-dense superfood that can be enjoyed in many ways - even by the pickiest eaters.

Finding the right serving size of maca is just as important for children as it is for adults. That means considering the size of the person meant to consume the maca root. You should also keep in mind that strong flavors can be difficult for younger children to tolerate, which means that spicier maca products like our premium maca powders might not be right for your little ones.

For consumers of all ages who easily experience indigestion, gelatinized (or pre-cooked) maca is the way to go. Gelatinized maca has a lower starch content but similar nutrient density in comparison to raw maca, so you can be sure that your child is enjoying something that’s good for them!

Maca Root for the Elderly

Maca Root for the Elderly - Shop

If you’re getting on in years, odds are you have loved ones chiming in (welcome, or not) on the importance of preventive health care. Eating healthy and getting regular exercise is the best way to treat your body well, and to get the most out of time with friends and family. Who says you have to slow down just because you’ve retired?

According to this 2016 study, evidence suggests that the nutrient-rich superfood known as maca can act as a “functional food” for slowing down age-related cognitive decline. Maca was also found to alleviate some of the most severe symptoms of menopause, from sexual dysfunction and mood swings to hot flashes and more. And don’t forget that maca root’s nutritional content also works toward helping the body preserve bone density. Bone mass typically decreases with age after your thirties, at which point the risk of developing osteoporosis steadily increases. Researchers have confirmed that the variety of nutrients in maca can act to prevent the development of osteoporosis.

For bone density concerns as well as cognitive function, we recommend trying out our raw or gelatinized red or black maca root products. 

Shop Maca Root from The Maca Team

It’s never too early or too late to make the decision to center your health - and maca root can help you do just that.

Check out our website to figure out Which Maca is Best for helping you achieve your wellness goals, and consult with your doctor about the best serving size for you and your loved ones. And, of course, don’t hesitate to Contact Us using our web form, or call us toll-free at 888-919-8616!

Enjoy the Day!

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