
Best Maca For Menopause

One of the most common questions we receives is: "What is the best Maca for menopause relief?"   While all colors of Maca have similar properties, we've seen from years of experience that Red Maca overall works better for menopause relief than the other Maca colors of Black and Yellow.  

Red Maca products are made from reddish colored Maca roots.   These roots can range in color from light pink to dark red as you can see from this photo:redmacarootsinaline.jpg

Maca products made from Red Maca roots typically taste a bit sweeter than Black and Yellow Maca products.  In addition, Red Maca has been shown to have somewhat higher phytonutrient content than the other Macas, including alkaloids that are linked to hormone balance.    Research is ongoing into why Red Maca is more effective when it comes to relieving the symptoms of Menopause..  We suspect that it has something to do with higher levels of nutrients found on the Red Maca roots.  We have a full article on Red Maca here if you are interested in more details on Red Maca in general.

At The Maca Team we offer Red Maca Products in Raw and Precooked (Gelatinized versions)

Raw Organic Red Maca Powder, Capsules and Extracts

Raw Red Maca  is not heated during processing, which preserves the maximum amount of nutrients possible.   It is available in Powder and Capsules. 

Gelatinzied Red Maca is pre-cooked during a process which removes most of the starch content in the product.  This makes it easier to digest.  We recommend it for anyone who has a sensitive digestion.  It is also available in Powder and Capsules.  

Red Maca Extract is another easy way to get Maca into your life.   Ours is a vegetable glycerine based extract that tastes sweet and is easy to take.   Some of our customers take it instead of powder or capsules, while others take it in addition when using Maca for menopause relief.

It's important to remember that Maca is a food and not a supplement or even an herb.  It is meant to be added to your daily diet.  For that reason we have lots of great Maca Recipes that you can use to incorporate Maca powder into your life.   If you don't like the taste of Maca or want added convenience you may like to take Maca capsules or the Red Maca extract instead.   

If you are interested in more details on how Maca supports overall hormone health and relief from the symptoms of Menopause we have a couple of more extensive articles you can read.   

And as always, if you have any questions or doubts on the Best Maca for Menopause, we are happy to help.  As a small, family run company totally focused on Maca, we are honored to be able to share the powerful benefits of Maca with women like you all over the world.

Learn more about maca for menopause >  

Enjoy your day!




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