Getting Started With Maca

Getting Started With Maca

Posted by The Maca Team on 26th Sep 2023

You’ve done some Googling, and read the Wikipedia page. You’ve probably checked out Amazon, and maybe familiar vendors of health supplements. And now, your search has led you to The Maca Team. You might have clicked through our online shop and read up on some of our products. You may even have checked out our Maca FAQ, and our Testimonials page with feedback from previous buyers. But you might still have a lot of questions about getting started with maca, or even be wondering if it’s right for you.

That’s why we’re here to help.

What is Maca?

In short, maca is a root originating in the Andes mountains. It’s classed as a cruciferous vegetable, belonging to the same family as broccoli and cauliflower. In Peru, it’s been harvested for centuries for its numerous purported benefits: increased energy and mental focus, better stamina, and most significantly, heightened libido and fertility.

Though it’s often marketed as a “supplement,” maca is in fact a superfood like kale and blueberries. As its popularity has increased over the years, so too has demand - but though maca has been grown with limited success in other parts of the world, it remains true that the most potent and highest quality maca is still grown in the Peruvian Andes today.

Why Maca?

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If you’re old enough to be shopping for maca online, you’ve probably seen a few health fads come and go. Few of these “miracle foods” stand the test of time, though, and some of them even become linked with disordered eating habits that may take a long while to break. There are a few things that set maca apart.

The first is that any respectable vendor of quality, organic maca products will make it clear that maca is only part of a healthy diet. Enjoying maca CAN have a positive impact on your health, but it’s imperative that it’s eaten in combination with a balanced diet and exercise routine.

The second is that unlike many “miracle” cures, there’s actually a fair amount of science backing some of maca’s claims. We’ve shared some of the Research Behind Maca before. Studies carried out since the early 2000s have demonstrated maca’s effects on stamina and fertility, and its adaptogenic qualities have been recognized in the overall balancing effect it has on bodily functions. While it doesn’t contain testosterone, estrogen, or serotonin, it’s been found to boost hormone levels as needed.

The third is that compared to many food products touted as supplements, maca is both affordable and convenient. When you’re buying from The Maca Team, you have the option of choosing between our budget-friendly maca powders in different sizes of foil-lined pouches, or something more portable like our glass-bottled liquid maca extracts.

How Do I Get Started with Maca?

black maca products - shop

So you’ve made the decision to get started on your maca journey. Congratulations! If you haven’t checked out our FAQs yet, check them out for the answers to some commonly-asked questions. With so many options, you might be wondering which maca is best for you. The best way to begin is to figure out what your goals are. After that, consider serving size, which will vary depending on factors like your age and weight. While we offer plenty of tips, it doesn’t hurt to check in with a licensed medical practitioner before deciding how to work maca into your diet. If you have a sensitive digestion, consider checking out our gelatinized maca products. We offer maca samplers, which will allow you to check out different maca colors or formulations so you can figure out which you like best.

We’re happy to answer any questions you might have before getting started with maca, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. You can Contact Us using our web form, or call us toll-free at 888-919-8616.

Enjoy the Day!

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