
Is Maca Root Safe For Your Thyroid?

Is Maca Root Safe For Your Thyroid?

Posted by The Maca Team on 12th Jul 2024

Have you thought about your thyroid health lately? The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland found at the base of the neck, and it isn’t necessarily a part of the human body you hear mentioned ve … read more
Does Maca Affect Sperm Quality?

Does Maca Affect Sperm Quality?

Posted by The Maca Team on 2nd Jul 2024

Perhaps maca’s most celebrated attribute is its reputed ability to help couples seeking to conceive. Maca root has a long history of being considered an aphrodisiac, and as such is believed to stimula … read more
Maca For Your Brain

Maca For Your Brain

Posted by The Maca Team on 25th Jun 2024

We talk a lot about maca and its impact on your libido, and the ways it can enhance stamina and help power you through your day. But maca’s effects aren’t always easy to see with the naked eye. Maca c … read more
What Makes Gelatinized Maca Special?

What Makes Gelatinized Maca Special?

Posted by The Maca Team on 6th May 2024

Let’s be honest - when you hear the word “gelatinized,” you probably aren’t thinking of anything particularly appealing. The first things that come to mind may be those awful jelly salads that were so … read more
Is Maca Root a Superfood?

Is Maca Root a Superfood?

Posted by The Maca Team on 1st May 2024

What makes a food a superfood? It’s one of those terms that gets thrown around often enough that you have some idea what it means: namely, that some foods are better for you than others. That seems re … read more
Building Muscle with Maca Root

Building Muscle with Maca Root

Posted by The Maca Team on 25th Apr 2024

If you’ve been committed to putting on muscle for a while, you’re probably familiar with the adage that “Abs are built in the kitchen.” No matter how many hours you dedicate to your gym routine, you w … read more
Maca and Glucosinolates

Maca and Glucosinolates

Posted by The Maca Team on 4th Apr 2024

In previous posts, we’ve gone into extensive detail on the nutritional values of maca root - namely, the broad list of vitamins and minerals that make maca root so good for you. Maca root is, as many … read more
What is Heritage Blend Maca Root?

What is Heritage Blend Maca Root?

Posted by The Maca Team on 14th Feb 2024

Today, it’s easy and convenient to purchase any of the three colors of maca root you’d like: red, yellow, or black. Each color is associated with its own reported unique benefits, ranging from giving … read more

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