
Where to Buy the Best Maca Powder

Where to Buy the Best Maca Powder

Posted by The Maca Team on 19th Sep 2023

As word of maca powder’s reported health benefits becomes more common knowledge, more sellers of maca products are appearing in the health food marketplace. As with any health food “trend,” there’s al … read more
Maca Root Extract for Improving Memory

Maca Root Extract for Improving Memory

Posted by The Maca Team on 13th Sep 2023

We’ve delved into maca’s impact on focus and cognitive function in the past, but what does that mean for your memory? While many of the benefits associated with adding to your diet are the easily meas … read more
Maca Root and Cardiovascular Health

Maca Root and Cardiovascular Health

Posted by The Maca Team on 7th Sep 2023

It’s not uncommon to find some trendy “new” food touted as a cure-all, capable of doing away with every imaginable ailment. This is especially prevalent with superfoods - remember when kale was in eve … read more
Maca Root for Adrenal Support

Maca Root for Adrenal Support

Posted by The Maca Team on 5th Sep 2023

We’ve talked a bit about maca root’s “balancing” effect in other blog posts, but what exactly is it that maca root is balancing, and how is it doing so? Your body is a complex whole made up of many fu … read more
Maca Root for Immune System Support

Maca Root for Immune System Support

Posted by The Maca Team on 1st Aug 2023

In researching the many reported benefits of maca, it may seem like it’s some kind of magical cure-all. A superfood that can boost your libido and help you lose weight? It sounds too good to be true! … read more
Maca for Weight Loss: Does it Work?

Maca for Weight Loss: Does it Work?

Posted by The Maca Team on 26th Jul 2023

If you’ve made any effort to change your health habits in the past decade, you’ve probably encountered all kinds of fad diets - low-carb, no-carb, keto, intermittent fasting, all of it touted as the l … read more
Maca for Improving Your Mood

Maca for Improving Your Mood

Posted by The Maca Team on 20th Jun 2023

We’ve touched on some of the ways maca can address the symptoms of anxiety and depression in the past, but with more Americans struggling with emotional imbalance than ever, we thought we’d take the o … read more
How Can I Buy Maca Root?

How Can I Buy Maca Root?

Posted by The Maca Team on 26th May 2023

It’s harder than ever to be sure of where your food is coming from. Even purchasing produce or food items at farmer’s markets has become tricky - how can you be sure that “organic” honey isn’t just th … read more

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