Who Should Take Maca Root Products


who-is-maca-good-for.jpgIn the world of functional foods (a.k.a. “superfoods"), maca root has gained quite a lot of attention over the past years for the broad ranging health benefits attributed to it.   Native to the high elevations of the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes, maca is a cruciferous vegetable known for being a powerful adaptogen and for being a nutritional powerhouse.   

Originally used as a staple food and natural medicine by natives of the high mountains, maca has now found its way into the routines of many individuals, from athletes looking for more endurance to those seeking hormonal balance.   In this article we’ll take a deeper look at the question “who should take maca?” and at the same time point out considerations that are important to keep in mind before starting.   

An Overview Of Maca Root

The maca plant (lepidium meyenni) grows well only in the rocky, dry soil of the Andes.   It grows best in the area in and around lake Junin and is cultivated and harvested once a year.  The root is the part of the plant that is used for food and natural medicine.  Maca roots are similar in size to turnips or large radishes and range in color from very light beige to deep purple to dark gray.   Because of their color variations, the roots are commonly categorized into red maca, yellow maca and black maca.  It is also possible to consume a more traditional mix of all colors called tri-color maca.    For a variety of reasons, Peru has made it illegal to export whole maca roots.  Therefore, maca is most commonly available outside of Peru either as maca powder, maca capsulesmaca extracts, or maca chips.   

Maca has been and continues to be the subject of a variety of research studies.   Many of these studies show that consuming the root has a positive impact on a variety of factors related to overall wellness.   Through this research it is becoming clearer that maca root has a particularly positive impact on the endocrine system.  While it does not contain any hormones, it helps the body adapt to imbalances and to thereby achieve a healthy homeostasis.   Because hormones are related to so many aspects of overall wellness and vitality the benefit profile of maca is broad ranging.   It can support people with everything from reducing acne to muscle building to prostate health and much more. 

6 Groups Of People Who Should Consider Taking Maca

who-should-take-maca.jpgMaca root is classified as a food rather than as a supplement or even as an herb.   It has been taken for 1000s of years and has no known contraindications.    Really anyone can add it to their diet, including children, as long as serving guidelines are closely followed.    While everyone can benefit from enjoying maca root,  here are some of the groups of people who can get the most out of it:

  1. Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts: Maca has gained popularity among athletes and fitness enthusiasts due to its potential to support healthy muscle building and to enhance stamina, endurance, and overall athletic performance. The plant's unique combination of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids can contribute to improved energy levels, helping individuals push through intense workouts.
  2. Individuals Seeking Hormonal Balance: One of the most well-known benefits of maca is its potential to support hormonal balance. It is often used to alleviate symptoms of menopause and PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Some studies suggest that maca may help regulate hormones by interacting with the endocrine system, potentially reducing mood swings, hot flashes, and other discomforts associated with hormonal fluctuations.
  3. Women Moving Through Menopause:  Maca has been seen to have a positive impact as women pass through this important time of life.   Many have seen a dramatic reduction in the symptoms associated with menopause when taking maca.
  4. Couples Trying to Conceive: Maca has been traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, and some studies suggest that it might have a positive impact on sexual function and fertility. Both men and women might benefit from maca's potential to improve libido and enhance reproductive health.
  5. Individuals Dealing with Stress and Anxiety: As an adaptogen, maca may play a role in managing stress and anxiety. Adaptogens help the body respond to stress more effectively and can contribute to a sense of calm and well-being. While research is ongoing, maca's potential stress-reducing properties make it appealing to those looking for natural ways to manage their mental health.
  6. People Looking to Boost Mood and Energy: Maca's nutrient profile includes B vitamins and minerals such as iron and zinc, which are essential for energy production and mood regulation. Incorporating maca into one's diet could potentially provide a natural boost in energy and mood.

Who Should Be Careful When Taking Maca

  • Even though maca has no known contraindications, it is important to understand some of the following considerations.
  • Maca does contain small amounts of iodine and may not be suitable for people with sensitivity or allergies to iodine.    
  • Maca contains compounds called goitrogens that may have an impact on thyroid function.   
  • Maca has been seen to reduce blood pressure and people using blood pressure medicines should monitor their readings carefully in conjunction with their doctors and adjust levels accordingly
  • Raw maca products contain starch which is hard for some people to digest.   If you have sensitive digestion, gelatinized maca products will be much more suitable

maca-and-athletes.jpgAs always, if you have further concerns about adding maca to your diet, we recommend consulting with a knowledgeable and trustworthy medical professional who can help address your specific situation. 

A Few Other Important Considerations

  1. Serving Size and Form: It's important to follow recommended serving guidelines when taking maca. Starting with a smaller dose and gradually increasing it can help your body adjust. Maca is available in various forms, so choose the one that aligns with your preferences and needs.  Find out which maca is best for you.
  2. Quality and Source: The quality and source of maca products can vary.  Opt for reputable brands that provide clear information about the source and processing methods of their maca products. Choosing organic, Peruvian grown, fresh maca options can help ensure you're getting a high-quality product.
  3. Allergies: While maca allergies are rare, they can still occur. If you have a history of allergies to cruciferous vegetables, it's wise to approach maca with caution and consider consulting an allergist before use.
  4. Moderation is Key: As with any supplement, moderation is crucial. While maca offers potential benefits, excessive consumption could lead to unintended effects. Following recommended guidelines will help you make the most of its advantages without overloading your system.


Maca is a versatile and nutrient-rich supplement that can offer a range of potential benefits to different groups of people. From athletes aiming to enhance their performance to individuals seeking hormonal balance or stress relief, maca's adaptogenic properties have garnered attention across various health and wellness circles. However, it's essential to approach maca supplementation mindfully, considering factors such as dosage, individual health conditions, and product quality.   We hope this article has helped answer the question of “who should take maca root” and given you some insight in how to proceed.   If you have any further questions please let us know.  We’re always happy to help!
Enjoy the day!



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